​Guide to Commercial Espresso Machines

Posted by Sydney B. on 15th Dec 2021

​Guide to Commercial Espresso Machines

Have you ever taken a moment to sit and enjoy a cup of espresso from your favorite café? Thought about having a machine of your own for your restaurant, or starting up your own café? Are you curious about what goes into making them?

Espresso machines come at all kinds of skill levels. If you prioritize the artisan nature of hand-crafted cups, there’s a machine for that. If you just need to get as many cups as possible out the door, there’s a machine for that too! Choose how much control you want over the final product and read on to see each type of machine.

Manual Espresso Machines (Lever Operated)

These machines are for the barista who sees espresso-making as an art. Each shot of espresso is determined by the strength and pressure applied by the barista, and user control is required for nearly every step, from pre-infusion to the amount of water. It requires skill to control the exact portions, making it a difficult machine to master. But in exchange, you create a high-quality, hand-crafted cup of coffee.

If you have experienced baristas, and your cafe has more of a personal or homey feeling, then this machine is for you. But if your business prioritizes speed and you expect a high volume of customers, then a semi- or automatic machine might be better for you.

Semi-Automatic Espresso Machines

Semi-automatic requires some control, but not nearly to the level of manual. You can control the volume and extraction levels with a button press, while the machine handles the pressurization. It’s easier to master, but still requires attention and care, so it may not be the best option for speedier ventures.

One thing to note – in the industry, sometimes semi-automatic is referred to as manual, or vice versa. These terms have become interchangeable in the industry because actual manual, lever-based machines aren’t as common. Be conscientious of this verbiage and examine the machine’s specification sheet so you can get the machine you need!

Automatic (Volumetric) Espresso Machines

This type of espresso machine leaves nothing up to guesswork. The espresso extraction process is fully automated, and the machine measures the same espresso shot for every cup. The settings can be changed to your liking, but after that the machine will give you consistent quantities, every time.

Super Automatic Espresso Machine

If you’re planning on operating a fast-food franchise, this is the best machine for your needs. Every aspect of making the cup of coffee falls solely to the machine – from the grinder to the cup. (This is why these are nicknamed “bean-to-cup” machines.)

Since they handle absolutely every step of the process, they are more sophisticated machines and thus more expensive. But training for this machine takes only a few minutes, and you’ll be pumping out cups in no time!

Got an idea of how you’d like to prepare your cup? Head over to our espresso coffee machineselection and give us a call to get your ideal machine today!